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TV and Film 

Chernobyl, HBO Serie

date. 2019

city. Vilnius

scenic painter 

Chernobyl HBO Serie Scenic painting
Chernobyl HBO Serie Scenic painting Team

Catherine the Great, HBO Serie

date. 2019

city. London

Head of scenic painter 

Catherine the Great, HBO Serie Scenic Painting Fireplace
Catherine the Great, HBO Serie Scenic Painting Salon

Dracula , HBO Serie

date. 2019

city. London

Scenic painter 

Dracula , HBO Serie Set Scenic painting

Year of the rabbit TV series, Channel 4 

date. 2019

city. London

Scenic painter 

Year of the rabbit TV series, Channel 4 put in film and TV section.jpg

The New Pope

date. 2018

city. London

Scenic painter 

The new pope serie HBO Set Painting  .jpg
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